Thursday, May 17, 2018

While in principle, gender mainstreaming or analysis is extremely necessary in the planning and execution of climate interventions, the Strategic Youth Network for Development (SYND) argues that, there is over reliance on WOMEN to the detriment of other components of Gender that is, MEN, GIRLS AND BOYS. Ghana’s climate change policy states that vulnerable groups, such as the disabled, the aged, children, youth and women, are particularly affected as they have poorer coping mechanisms. Indeed it acknowledged that, the youth form a significant proportion of the population of Ghana and live with the impacts of climate change much longer. As such, the youth are key stakeholders in the climate change process. Inspite of such recognition, the policy makes no concrete provision in tackling the effect of climate change on the youth. A study on the impact of climate change on women in three districts was conducted which confirmed that, although women undertake 85% of Ghana’s food distribution, they have difficulties in accessing land, land tenure security and formal financial services. Unfortunately, it is very difficult to cite studies conducted on the impact of climate change on young people in Ghana.

The Strategic Youth Network for Development (SYND) has therefore embarked on a “Gender and Climate Change Advocacy” project which primarily sought to train and empower young people as climate change champions in their respective communities or districts. It focused on obtaining the impact of climate change from a gender perspective (specifically pertaining to young males and females) in selected districts.

A copy of the report can found here [GENDER AND CLIMATE CHANGE].